Monday, December 2, 2013


Donuts and croissants are two of my favorite things. If you've never heard of cronuts or doissants they are the magical, delicious combo of the two! Basically, it is croissant dough cut into a donut shape and fried. Yum! After church, Traci and I went to lunch at Eat at Rudy's. While parking, we saw signs for the street faire within walking distance of the restaurant. So once we finished up our meal we decided to take a look around. There were hundreds of antique vendors with some pretty neat items on display. But after walking up and down the streets, we naturally ended up at Torrance Bakery for their custard filled cinnamon sugar cronuts! Our family had been raving about them after trying them the week before so we knew we were in for a real treat. You should definitely see if your local bakery has caught on to this new trend if you haven't tried one already.
xoxo, allison
Hurry take a bite!
p.s. we were too full to try any of their other bakery goods, but I had my eye on the eclairs so we will definitely be back!


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