Friday, May 30, 2014

lessons learned

taking video selfies on my 25th birthday eve, may 2014
  1. It's almost #summatime. which means I probably need to get on this bikini boot camp plan.
  2. A new way to pit & peel an avocado
  3. There's a right way to hard boil an egg
  4. Hello Kitty airplane meals exist!
  5. I don't need a receipt for a donut.
  6. I used to love Taco Bell chicken quesadillas in middle school. Now I can make them at home with the discovery of their spicy mayo!
  7. Don't be a hypocrite.
  8. The more we give, the more we are broken & reshaped into looking more like Him.
  9. It's all about perspective.
  10. McDonald's has a secret menu.
  11. I had a roommate who insisted in storing her bananas in the fridge.
  12. Beauty is not perfection.
xoxo, allison


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