Saturday, November 23, 2013


Last weekend we celebrated Joyce's 23 birthday. Traci and I wanted to plan something super epic since we actually had time to do something super epic. We ended up putting off everything to the last minute. So the night before, Traci came over so we could finalize our plans. (In our defense we actually had some great ideas, but they all fell through.) In the end, it all worked out and the best part was getting to tell Joyce about all the secret adventures, behind the scenes, and epic fails we had to make the day a success. We really can't keep secrets from each other for very long.

Phase 1: Dinner at Bistro Bleu with the best chocolate souffle ever!

Phase 2: Disneyland! We really wanted to see the Christmas fireworks " Holiday Magic," but since the clouds were too low, they ended up just playing Christmas music while it "snowed" on Main Street (the best part anyways). This is my favorite time of year at Disneyland because it's transformed into a Winter Wonderland; I especially love all the lights down Main Street, It's a Small World, and Sleeping Beauty's Castle. So pretty! (Decorations are up until January 6 if you want to see the holiday magic.)

Phase 3: Hello Kitty piñata filled with birthday presents. Joyce didn't want to break Hello Kitty (why not?!) so she ended up pulling the ribbons off the bottom until the lucky one opened a trap door and all the goodies fell out. Then we made her pick them all up off the floor and hold them in her shirt (don't pretend you never did that when you were little to make sure you could collect as much candy as you could as fast as you could!)

Phase 4: Tower of giant creme puffs filled with custard creme. Despite some baking set backs in the morning (I only had 2 eggs and ran out of flour), they turned out great. I made some fresh whipped creme in my Vitamix to fold into the custard creme which tasted just like Beard Papa's. You have to make these!

Recipe Adapted From Little Japan Mama

  • 1/4 cup flour
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 1 and 1/2 cups milk
  • 15g real butter
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/2 cup heavy cream + 1 TBS sugar + 1 tsp vanilla extract, whipped (15 seconds in a Vitamix)
  • powdered sugar, for dusting (optional)
  1. Combine flour and sugar with a whisk.
  2. Add egg yolks and half of the milk, whisk until combined.  Add remaining milk and vanilla extract.
  3. Stir over medium heat, until it thickens (often scraping the bottom). When it starts to bubble, remove from heat.
  4. Stir in butter.
  5. Cover with plastic wrap and allow to cool. Refrigerate until cold (at least 6 hours, or overnight).
  6. Fold in fresh whipped cream into the cold custard cream.
  7. Spoon into creme puffs and dust with powdered sugar.
xoxo, allison
P.S. before this master plan we surprised Joyce with Krispy Kreme donuts on her actual birthday in the parking lot at her work. Traci and I jumped out from behind a car and she screamed. It was so good. We also scared her co-worker (#sorrynotsorry).


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