Sunday, September 8, 2013


So yesterday, my little sister and I made these rice krispies for national grandparents day today. They are dosed with handfuls of coconut shreds and mini chocolate chips but not sickly sweet. And they remind me of those Girl Scout Cookies, Samoas, which I loveeeee!

The way I make rice krispies is a little unconventional but I think it's the easiest and only way to make them. The process is a result of the limited resources in my freshman dorm room and my hallmate's addiction to rice krispie treats. Here it goes!
1 box of rice krispie cereal
1 bag of marshmallows (I like the jumbo ones!)
1/2 stick of butter
1 1/2 cups of shredded coconut  
1/2 cup of mini chocolate chips
*I'm not sure exactly how much coconut or chocolate I added since my sister threw it in as I mixed and stopped when it looked right. So be free to add as much or as little as you like!
  1. Dump butter and entire bag of marshmallows into a large microwave safe bowl. (This is the bowl that we're mixing in so choose wisely)
  2. Place bowl in microwave and set time for 3 minutes (more or less). I watch until the marshmallows puff up and rise super high and then take it out. 
  3. Stir marshmallows and butter together making sure everything is melted until you have a gooey, sticky marshmallow creme.
  4. After the mixture has cooled from hot to warm (you don't want the cereal to get soggy), pour in the cereal alternating between cereal, coconut, and chocolate until all mixed and evenly coated in sticky marshmallow goo. I use the whole box of cereal which makes them a little less gooey and not as sweet, but most recipes leave you with like 4 cups cereal and what am I suppose to do with 4 cups of cereal? So I just throw it all in.
    NOTE: I personally like to use a rice scooper for the mixing because it has a large surface area to mix in all of the ingredients. It's flat so all the gooey creme doesn't get stuck inside like it would with a spoon. It's also stronger than a rubber spatula which helps when you're trying to get to the marshmallow goo at the bottom of the bowl. Basically, I. love. rice. scoopers. haha
  5. Turn rice krispies into a greased 9x11 pan or rimmed cookie sheet depending on how thick you want them to be. Push down mixture and let sit to harden. Cut into squares and share! Keep in air tight container to store.


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