Friday, April 4, 2014


Growing up I always wanted a dollhouse but never got one because my mom said it was too expensive and impractical. I would be so upset because I would go over to my friends' houses and play with theirs and always ask my mom for one. Each year for Christmas I would put it on my list in hopes that Santa would bring it for me. But to my dismay, it never happened.
The Dollhouse Bookshelf
Now that my eldest niece is getting older (she just turned three), she's getting more into playing with dollies and small figurines. As incentive for her to stop using a bottle and using a "binkie" (pacifier), my sister told her that she would get a dollhouse. At first I thought she was going to get her a real dollhouse and the little girl in me became slightly jealous. But when my sister finally sent me a picture of the dollhouse, I was surprised to find that it wasn't exactly how I pictured it.

A look into the kitchen.
Since they live in New York and have limited space in their apartment, she opted for buying a square bookshelf with 6 compartments and turned each shelf into a room of the dollhouse. As decor for the dollhouse, she lined the back part of the bookshelf with scrapbooking paper and cut a large triangle for the "roof." From a practical standpoint, this is genius because once she and my younger niece grow out of playing with dollies and no longer want a dollhouse, it becomes a regular run of the mill bookcase or storage case!

"Nabigail and Rosita's Birthday Party" aka fire hazard in the house
Mad props to my sister for thinking of this idea!

xoxo, joyce


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