Friday, January 31, 2014


 So can I tell you a secret? Superbowl Sunday has never been a thing for me. I mean,  once I went to this Superbowl Sunday party at my pastor's house after church but all I did was take a bunch of selfies with my friends and babysit his two little girls. I couldn't even tell you who was playing this year. This year Joyce and I decided that we were going to have a Superbowl Sunday "party". I'm not exactly sure what we're actually going to do/eat/make. It will probably be a lot of blog post prepping, selfie taking, and maybe (probably) we'll end up at Target endcaps. Buttttt, if we were to have a forreal Superbowl party I would definitely make these. PIGS IN A BLANKET!
They are so cute and little and bite-sized which  means you can eat a million and not be a piggy (tehe).

Recipe makes 45 piggies in blankets

  • 3 (8 oz) cans refrigerated crescent dinner rolls (I used Pillsbury because the store-brands just don't compare)
  • 1 pkg Hillshire Farm Lit’l Smokies
  • Cheese (optional)

  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F
  2. Cut each crescent triangle into two smaller triangles.
  3. Roll each little smokie sausage in the dough triangle, starting with the bigger end to the point. (If you want to add cheese, roll it with the sausage.)
  4. Arrange them onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and bake for 10-15 minutes at 350 degrees F until golden brown. 

Make them! Share them! Have a party and serve them! Because some people have no idea what pigs in a blanket are (True story. I made them for a pot luck in college and the boy whose kitchen I was using was like what the heck are you making !?!) and also, 45 piggies are a lot to eat all by yourself (not that it's impossible).

xoxo, allison


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