Tuesday, November 5, 2013

lessons learned

pumpkin carving party, 2013

  1. "I'd rather have the right God than the wrong man." #singleandnotwaiting
  2. During this time of transition, I've started to measure my success by the friendships in my life.
  3. Apple pie doesn't have to be round. 
  4. Since I'm always running to keep up, I guess I haven't been walking with any men in love.
  5. I'm totally not ready for all the dinner parties that are coming up. But I totally agree with #11.
  6. We can still find community with the strangers in our lives.
  7. I'm not the only one who's curious about what others are listening to on their headphones.
  8. I should be drinking coffee between 9:30 and 11:30 am. But this probably only applies to people who have regular sleeping schedules.
  9. The Dum Dums mystery flavor has been revealed!
  10. Authenticity is not a look. 
  11. There is a proper way to freeze produce. (No wonder my broccoli always ended up mushy and gross.)
  12. Brookies are still a weakness of mine. Must bake these soon!
learning lessons could be cool.

xoxo, allison


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