Tuesday, October 1, 2013

lessons learned, week 3

sunset at coronado beach, 2013

  1. Maybe the reason why I fall for boys is because I occasionally suffer from princess syndrome.
  2. The infectious disease doctor/mentor at my rotation site is actually MacGyver!
  3. Even though the English language is so difficult to learn, we still don't have words like these.
  4. I'm such a Yes wo-man, I need to start saying "I don't" more often!
  5. Someone figured out how to waterproof an iPod shuffle. Didja know?
  6. I used to do this in college and the next day my friends would tell me that I should have been studying instead of curling my hair... little did they know it was so easy and little did I know that other people had the same idea.
  7. There is always something new to learn about make-up. Must try #15 ASAP!
I hoped you learned something new. XO Allison.


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