Tuesday, April 29, 2014

lessons learned

the end of the san gabriel river bike trail leads to the ocean, january 2014

  1. “Great people don’t do great things. God does great things with surrendered people.”
  2. I have the same chicken-and-egg dilemma
  3. Now I can find donuts wherever I go - I just need that new iPhone.
  4. Now that it feels like #summatime, I've brought out my summer clothes and my drawers definitely need #13.
  5. "say twinsies!" twinsies! Who knew a boy and his dog could be so darn cute?
  6. Cinnamon can lower your blood pressure and blood glucose! I love cinnamon!
  7. My BFF has total wanderlust. I can't wait to travel with her in the future! In the meantime I live vicariously through these travel guides
  8. Happiness is not your relationship status. 
  9. I'm still totally into the off-shoulder style. Love this dress.
  10. Why Easter is still important to me today.
  11. #12 is helping so much with my Pinning.
  12. I need to add these restaurants to my bucket list!
xoxo, allison
p.s. my bff comes back in 11 days! and then we can bike to the beach again!


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