Tuesday, April 1, 2014


Can you believe it's April already?! When I was in elementary school, I thought of a (brilliant?) April Fool's Day joke to play on my dad. I got an envelope and addressed it to my dad but in the return address spot, I wrote that it was from his best friend. Looking back, I'm not sure why I thought it was such a good joke, but I remember putting it in the stack of mail and eagerly waited for him to get home from work. I watched him open the letter and stood there laughing when he opened the envelope and realized that it wasn't from Uncle Hank. The end. HAHAH. I sure hope you've played better April Fool's Day jokes than me. :) Here's some ideas if you want to prank someone today!

Speaking of April Fools, have you seen the Google Pokemon Challenge? I heard that Allison has accepted the challenge... will you?

Enjoy the day!

xoxo, traci


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