Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Took a much needed vacation last week to Seattle with some friends from college! We spontaneously booked during a JetBlue sale and I'm so glad we did! It rained most of the time, but it was still a blast walking around the city with our umbrellas and rainboots. 

First stop was of course, the Space Needle!
Signed up for a FREE walking tour around Pike Place. Our tour guide was great and we got tons of samples and discounts just for being on the tour!
They have the prettiest flowers!
The famous (and kind of gross) gum wall.
Seriously the BEST greek yogurt I had! It's located right across the street from the famous fish throwers. They caught my eye with the pretty display of all their flavors and yummy samples they were handing out. My favorite was passion fruit. Sam and I were trying so hard to think of a way to bring some back home, but we didn't want to risk it going bad on the plane. :(
Look! It's named after me :)

Checked out the Olympic Sculpture Garden since it was just a five minute walk from our hotel. They had a bunch of interesting artwork scattered throughout the area.
So surprised the boys actually cooperated with us and did this. Isn't it cute?! haha
We stumbled upon a little rock beach at the Sculpture Park and had fun throwing the rocks around. 

My coworker recommended that we go to Chihuly Garden and Glass and I'm so glad we went! The museum was so colorful and the displays were breathtakingly pretty.

We were so lucky that the sun came out when we went to Kerry Park! It was a long walk uphill from our hotel, but totally worth it. The view was amazing and it was a nice place to sit and relax.

Our last night in town, we ate a fancy dinner at the top of the Space Needle. It was pretty pricey, but definitely worth the experience. For dessert we ordered ice cream served over dry ice! It was pretty neat :)
Right before our flight, we made a quick stop at Pioneer Square-the historic part of Seattle. I'd definitely recommend the Underground Tour which takes you underneath the streets into an old abandoned town. Very cool!
And just for fun, aren't the bathroom doors extremely short?! hahaha.

Had such a blast here! Where are some of your favorite vacation spots? :)

xoxo, traci


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