Saturday, November 2, 2013


So I just assumed that everyone knew what taco baos were since they are a favorite at my house. But you know what they say about making assumptions... Anyways the other day Joycelyn asked me what I was eating for dinner and I non-chalantly replied "taco baos!" Her response went something like "What? What are taco baos? You can't put taco and baos together! That sounds so gross!" I was taken aback because she just insulted one of my most favorite foods. I decided that she could not truly make up her mind until she tried one. She reluctantly agreed .. which led to our taco bao making party (when there are more than two people involved it automatically turns into a party in my book)

  • 1 pk (three 1 lb loaves) of Frozen Bridgford Ready-Dough, thawed
  • 2 cup shredded cheese (I used cheddar)
  • 1 small onion, diced
  • 1 lb ground beef or turkey
  • 1 can corn
  • 1 pack (1.5 oz) taco seasoning
  1. In a medium pot, add diced onion and ground beef. Cook until onions are translucent and beef is browned. Drain excess oil, add taco seasoning and stir. 
  2. Take off heat and add corn and stir.
  3. Cut loaves of thawed dough into 8-10 pieces depending on how big you want your baos to turn out.
  4. Take a piece of dough and stretch it out into a circle a little bigger than the size of your palm. Dust hands with flour if dough is too sticky. Add a spoonful of beef/onion/corn mixture and sprinkle cheese on top. 
  5. Pull edges of dough up over the center of the filling and pinch closed so that the filling can't escape while baking.
  6. Place each bao on a square of parchment paper. Line up on baking sheet and bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes, until golden brown. 

The verdict after Joyce tried her first taco bao: thumbs up!


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