Wednesday, October 23, 2013

lessons learned

L.A. Live District, 2013

  1. Don't look back
  2. The beauty of God's creations amaze me everyday, but seeing any of these places in person would be mind-blowing.
  3. Just in case you knew anyone who loves donuts (*hint hint*) you should probably know how to throw a fancy donut party.
  4. My college roommate used to whiten her teeth like #6 all the time. I'm itching to see if  #8 will really work.
  5. Baking soda can also be used to make natural home cleaners
  6. Rocks and pipes can make some pretty neat looking tie-dye. Good thing I have a bottle of navy blue dye in my closet waiting to be used.
  7. I've forgotten what it feels like to read a good book. Post-grad, this seems like just the perfect time to start. Autumn weather and rainy days - here I come!
  8. A little late for end-of-summer, but Cat always says, "Everything tastes better with corn!"
  9. Becoming more balanced is important. I'm trying to do my Private Victory every night in the form of reading Jesus Calling and writing letters to God. 
  10. If you love super crispy bacon as much as I do, you're welcome. 
I hoped you learned something new. XO Allison.


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